

founders professional
Why are Premiums Going Up? March 2020 A private company, with no claims history and no cannabis or crypto currency exposure, gets their management liability renewal quote and the premium is up 20%.  The CFO says, “Our company is the same as it was a year ago, why did my premium increase?” The current premium...
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Why Buy Cyber Liability? 10 Reasons Healthcare Entities Need to Buy Now   1  | PRIVACY LAWS Federal laws including the Health Insurance Portability and Account- ability Act (“HIPAA”) and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (“HITECH”) Act require prompt notification if protected health information (PHI) that is not encrypted is lost,...
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Insurance Business Magazine has just released it’s annual roundup of the Top Specialist Brokers in the United States, and our West Coast Lawyers’ Professional Liability Practice Leader, Raffi Kodikian was chosen for his knowledge of and deep expertise in lawyers’ professional liability insurance. Congrats Raffi! We’re lucky to have you on team Founders. Raffi Kodikian...
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Why Use a Wholesale Insurance Broker? Why Use FoundersPro? Why would an insurance agent need to use a wholesale insurance broker? Maybe the agent doesn’t have access to specific insurance markets, or knowledge on a specific industry or line of insurance. That’s when it’s time to turn to a wholesale insurance broker. Wholesale brokers can...
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The All-Inclusive Work Environment is our Reason for Success!   When we started Founders Pro, we wanted to do as much as possible to make our company the best place to work for every employee, not just certain employees.  We decided we were not going to be just another company that said our people were...
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Today, companies would never think of operating without property and casualty insurance. Yet, everyday companies are ignoring a risk that has the potential to cause just as much financial damage and even impact future viability. Small businesses are much more likely to be hit by a cyber attack, and are less resourced to deal with...
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Why Buy Cyber Liability? 10 REASONS ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS & CONTRACTORS NEED TO BUY CYBER LIABILITY INSURANCE NOW   1 | PRIVACY LAWS Forty-seven states, the District of Columbia and the federal government have privacy laws requiring prompt notification if personally identifiable information (“PII”) that is not encrypted is lost, stolen or disclosed. Cyber coverage will...
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representations and warranies insurance from founders professional
Representations and warranties insurance, also known as ‘Reps and Warranties’, is the insurance that protects against breaches of contractual representations and warranties that a seller makes in transaction documents during a commercial merger or acquisition. These insurance policies are increasingly purchased for mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions to help the buyer and the seller ensure...
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new lawyers professional liability insurance program in arizona
Founders Professional is proud to represent the New SwissRe Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance product in ARIZONA   Never before available in the State of Arizona, SwissRe is excited to launch their industry leading Westport lawyers professional liability insurance program as of October 1, 2019. This program is written on an admitted policy form and is...
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5 Risk Management Procedures Your Law Firm Needed Yesterday Last year, I wrote an article on the importance of risk management in law firms, and why it is necessary to help firms run more smoothly, and, above all, avoid claims. But understanding that risk management is important is just a piece of the puzzle. Knowing...
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